Nowadays everything is changing so fast that it's kinda scary, kinda exciting, kinda nervous, kinda too good to be true. Don't know from which side I should look at it and focus but I hope all will be just well.
I'm at a point that I could never think I'd be at. It's just so so so hard to believe all the things are happening all at once. I hope this won't be like, lending a jar of candies to a kid and then pulling it back when he is about to get one. I hope not. I don't think I'll be able to recover easily. Of course I'll do my best and so on but, this time, wow.
I want to write so much but I'm at a loss for words.
What if?

"What if I wanted to break?"
This is how the song starts and it makes me think.. Yeah, what if? I think I've wanted this for a loooong while and I did manage to do it at some point. But the question is that "is it worth it?"
- I doubt. -
I think you have to let go things in order to move on, to be able to go back and start over, to be yourself again - the one that was not hurt, not torn apart, not f**** up in the head with stupid regrets & memories & all... yeah, one has to let go whatever it is or whoever that person is.
Life is too precious to ruin it with sad memories, sayings like "what if..." , "if only...", "I wish...", "if it were to happen...", etc... But we are too weak to realize this and we just dwell on s*** like this for so long.. so long that it drains you & these stuff become the only thing you can think about. You feel trapped & hopeless & alone. Well, it was YOU who pushed yourself into that dark, pityfull well and you've got to climb up on YOUR own again.
-No one is gonna help. No one can.-
Anyways, enough of my thoughts for today. Maybe.
It's getting freaking cold in Istanbul or it's just me who feels extra cold today, dunno. And when I say extra cold, I mean EXTRA COLD! I will have some magic soup of my mom's. It helps me to feel better ( mentally & psychically ).
Brrrrr...ing B.
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