So, ummm.. today my work officially finished at the company I was interning at. I will enjoy the rest of my time in the States till I go back to my country. I'm looking forward to go and meet my new nephew, it's gonna be real cool. I'm going to buy my ticket from Chicago so I can go there and see places before I leave...
I need to finish my admission stuff for this community college asap! I'm feeling lazy and kind of like...careless? Don't know what's happening to me.
I feel like I'm changing, becoming less emotional, less caring, more cool with things. I kind of like it because I'm not beating myself up as much anymore.
Time is passing so, SO, fast that it is rather stupid to waste time worrying, being upset or blaming yourself for things and dwelling on each and every mistake you've made. I'm not saying one should forget all his/her mistakes and give a pat on the back to themselves , but, beating yourself up so much is not necessary, not helpful, not achieving anything good at all....
Anyways, I want to buy this digital camera, I will see if I can come up with the money. If I can, it will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!
Oh by the way I watched the new movie of Tim Burton, 9, and it was pretty awesome. Still cannot beat my love for Corpse Bride , tho ;)
I think I will play some Guild Wars, killing some monsters may help me feel better :P